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 "Working together to solve crime" 

Call Crime Stoppers if you have information regarding a crime; you can earn up to $1,000 in reward money and you can remain anonymous. If you have information regarding possible terrorist activity, call Crime Stoppers at (712) 262-6655. 

Crime Stoppers is based on the principle that someone other than the criminal has information that will assist in solving serious crimes. Two concerns often keep witnesses from coming forward. Crime Stoppers addresses both of them! The Citizen's fear of involvement is reduced by the caller's remaining anonymous; and the citizen's apathy is solved by paying cash rewards if the information leads to arrest and indictment. A local Crime Stoppers program is a nonprofit corporation involving three groups: private citizens, law enforcement agents, and the media. 


Private Citizens

A corporate board is composed of volunteers. The board is responsible for raising funds, determining reward amounts and making payments, and overseeing the program in general.


Law Enforcment

Actual operation of the program is handled by the local law enforcement agencies involved. A separate telephone line is placed within the department and a Crime Stoppers coordinator is appointed. Callers do not give their names, but receive code numbers- which assure anonymity - to be used in all subsequent transactions. The caller is asked to contact Crime Stoppers again within a given period of time. Meanwhile, the information is referred to the appropriate investigative personnel. If the information leads to arrest and indictment of a serious crime offender, the caller is eligible for a reward, and arrangements are made for payment. It is not uncommon for a caller to refuse the reward. 



In order to maintain a high profile within the community, a specific unsolved case is selected as the "Crime of the Week." Newspapers and radio stations are furnished with a detailed synopsis of the case, and the television stations air a reenactment of the crime. Instructions for calling Crime Stoppers, information concerning the reward, and the telephone number are included by all the media. The anonymity of the caller is always stressed.

Contact Information

Chris Raveling



Contact Crime Stoppers

Phone: (712) 262-6655   or

Email: clayshrf@co.clay.ia.us


Submit Text-A-Tip


Blaine Johnson
